Sunday, April 8, 2007

Asian Populations in the Western World

Did some research in answering a question in another thread, so I figure I might as well create an entire thread uselessly dedicated to the number of Asians in various cities in the Western World.

In 2000, there were:

1.68 million Asians in metro LA
1.42 million Asians in metro NY
1.27 million Asians in metro SF
0.40 million Asians in metro Honolulu
0.39 million Asians in metro Chicago

Interestingly, this particular query from the US Census system slightly undercounts Asians because it refers to non-Hispanic Asians. Each of these cities also has a small number or Asian people from Latin America who are not included in the above numbers.

And in America, Arabs, Iranians and other Middle Easterners do not get counted as Asian, but as White.

If anyone is game, how about numbers for metros outside of the US?>

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