wat youre thinking f the future of LA , i will say in 50-70 years ! how will LA look at this time !???
I think it merged with LAS vegas and san diego metro and will have around 39 million inhabitans

! Beverly hills and bel air willl no more the richest districts of greater Los Angeles , because there are huge Gated Communities in the Bakersield area ! Santa Monica will have an Subway line to lA

and there are 6 subways and 10 commuter train lines in and around LA ! 1 commuter line will catch San Diego and one will cach las vegas

Los Angeles has biuld new Airport in the valley of bakersfield the LA Metro international airport , the old LAX is only for regional flights , and the new is two times bigger then the old , one of the commuter catch them ! thats my vision of lA in 50-70 years !? whats your vision ?>
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