The Shanghai and Hong Kong Conference on Â"Urban Renewal and Heritage Conservation 2005Â" is one of the initiatives of HKIA to heighten the awareness and deepen the debate on urban renewal and heritage conservation. Through the exchange between Shanghai and Hong Kong, the government officials, professionals, developers, academics and other stakeholders can share the experience and seek actions that will benefit the society at large from the perspective of sustainability.
The HKIA reckons that Hong Kong has longed for an effective governmental policy on heritage conservation. Such a policy should not only address individual heritage sites and building, but also closely relate to urban renewal. The HKIA takes this opportunity to urge the HKSAR Government to establish the concerned policy without further delay.
With respect to both urban renewal and heritage conservation, the HKIA believes in the following general principles and looks forward that the HKSAR Government will take up solid actions accordingly.
1. Integrative Planning
To fully integrate heritage conservation into urban renewal and town planning policy in order to provide an effective and responsive urban renewal and planning mechanism.
2. Holistic Approach
To advocate a holistic approach for heritage conservation and urban renewal with a view to enhancing Hong KongÂ's identity, cultural diversity, historic assets, and social cohesion.
3. Cultural Significance
To evaluate heritage conservation and urban renewal with respect to all aspects of cultural significance including historic, architectural, social, scientific and natural values, not simply the age of building.
4. Collective Memory
To take into account the intangible cultural heritage elements such as customs, cultural and social events, festival activities and cultural landscape that closely relate to the built heritage and form part of our community's collective memory.
5. Community Participation
To involve the local community in deriving a shared criterion for reaching a consensus on the values of heritage asset, which is particularly essential for a district-based conservation for retaining the unique character and setting of heritage places.
6. Collaborative Attitude
To promote collaboration and co-production among architects, other building professionals, and the community interest groups.
In line with the vision to promote design excellence, the HKIA reiterates the support to the initiative of the Chief Executive Policy Address 2005, particularly the following directions in relation to urban renewal:
1. Action
To expedite implementation of urban renewal projects;
2. Creativity
To collaborate with creative industry;
3. Urban Design
To increase the urban design elements;
4. District Identity
To identify and maintain the district characteristics; and
5. Communication
To enhance communication with the local stakeholders.
The HKIA further reckons that there are obstacles facing us in the process of urban renewal in Hong Kong. On one hand, in view of the current approval procedure in government, the private-sector development proponents are often constrained by the given development period as well as other barriers, thereby discouraging them to negotiate with various government departments in pursuing better and innovative designs. On the other hand, the current mechanisms of building, planning and lands control do not provide incentives for the development proponents to explore design excellence and innovation. As such, in addition to supporting the 5 directions mentioned above, the HKIA has the following further suggestions:
1. Design Competition for Excellence & Creativity in Urban Renewal Projects
For urban renewal projects with prominence and significant heritage / environmental implications, the HKIA suggests holding design competition to promote excellence and innovation in both urban and architectural designs.
2. Higher Weighting in Urban Renewal Tender towards Design Quality
To significantly increase the weighting with respect to the provision of good urban and architectural designs in the tender assessment mechanism, the message has to be loud and clear. All potential developers should be well informed of such weighting criterion based on a fair and transparent system.
3. Urban Renewal Mechanism Conducive to Social & Environmental Responsibility
The HKIA opines that a shift in the whole mechanism would be necessary for fostering the developers to take up a more socially and environmentally responsible role in delivering urban renewal projects.
The HKIA looks forward to having a better, more sustainable built environment in Hong Kong. Urban renewal and heritage conservation will be two of the pivotal societal elements for attention by all of us.
In conclusion, the HKIA earnestly looks forward to seeing concrete actions by the HKSAR Government -- in leading the establishment of policy on heritage conservation as well as the implementation of urban renewal designs in a more innovative, socially and environmentally responsive way.
Hong Kong Institute of Architects>
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