Thursday, April 26, 2007

Any movies filmed in Madrid?

Are there any English based movies filmed in Madrid?Or are there any decent books in English about Madrid?
There doesn't seem to be at all.You get the usual bombardment of movies filmed in the usual cities,New York,Paris Venice,Rome,Toronto,Vancouver etc....Heck you even see movies filmed in Sydney,Barcelona or Melbourne.Much better known cities anyway.
Books.Paris from the sky,New York from the sky,Sydney from the sky,Barcelona architecture etc......
When in Madrid i saw a couple of hollywood actors appear in good ole telemadrid,when asked if they liked Madrid they obviously said yes.Duh.They would say yes if they were in La Paz.
Yet no one ever dares make a movie or publish a proper book in the English speaking language.Ahhhhhhhhh Madrid the great unknown.Why?>

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