Be honest. Before you post here, I would first like you to look at these threads. At the least take a quick glance. Los Angeles is becoming a better city by the moment. Try to look past the stereotypical image of this city. The ports of Long Beach and San Pedro are currently and or soon to be upgraded. Downtown Los Angeles has a major residential boom. The Westside/Century City continues its success. The LA River and homeless problems are being addressed. The crime rate has been dropping. Also, please take a look at Antonio Villaraigosa's plan for the city. According to Antonio, no more freeways will be built and instead the rail system will be extended. I hope this thread will even slightly alter your perception of Los Angeles.
Downtown Los Angeles: The Rebirth thread: Long Beach- High Rise Proposals! thread: Downtown LA- 01/06/06 thread: WOW! Downtown Los Angeles @ Street Level! thread: Los Angeles Developments thread: From the LA forum:
The future Los Angeles skyline in about 5 years

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