Tuesday, April 10, 2007

HONG KONG & PEARL RIVER DELTA - Coordinated Planning

Joint study to help planning in delta - Guangdong, HK aim for improved co-ordination
16 December 2005
South China Morning Post

A study aimed at helping planners in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta work more effectively together to improve the environment and sharpen the region's competitive edge was launched yesterday.

The two-year study, commissioned by the Hong Kong-Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference, will be conducted by Peking University.

It was signed in Zhuhai by Hong Kong's Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan, and the director of Guangdong's provincial Department of Construction, Lao Yingxun.

Attending the ceremony, Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen Ming-yeung said the study would provide a better understanding of the region.

"We feel that we sometimes are working separately. The mechanism can compensate for each other's weaknesses," Mr Suen said.

Guangdong government deputy secretary-general Tang Hao said the signing signified a big step forward for Hong Kong and Guangdong in city planning.

The two governments said the study "aims to formulate a city and regional development strategy" and "analyse the development direction of the delta under the 'one country, two systems' framework".

It would also "make use of resources development, environment protection and urban development to improve the regional environment, living quality and ensure its sustainable development", a statement said.

It will cover background and overall development strategy, cross-border co-ordinated development, environmental impact assessment, resources protection and use and an "institutional mechanism for co-ordinated development and co-ordinated issues for early action".

Funding for the two-year study will be shared between the Hong Kong and Guangdong governments.>

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