Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cities with most Africans outside of Africa.

Here are all US cities with at least 100,000 African Americans and their share of the city's total population:

New York City, NY--1,962,154--(24.5%)
Chicago, IL--1,053,739--(36.4%)
Detroit, MI--771,966--(81.2%)
Philadelphia, PA--646,123--(42.6%)
Houston, TX--487,851--(25.0%)
Baltimore, MD--417,099--(64.0%)
Los Angeles, CA--401,986--(10.9%)
Memphis, TN--397,732--(61.2%)
Washington, DC--340,088--(59.4%)
New Orleans, LA--323,392--(66.7%)
Dallas, TX--304,824--(25.6%)
Atlanta, GA--254,062--(61.0%)
Cleveland, OH--241,512--(50.5%)
Milwaukee, WI--220,432--(36.9%)
Birmingham, AL--177,709--(73.2%)
St. Louis, MO--177,446--(51.0%)
Charlotte, NC--175,661--(32.5%)
Columbus, OH--172,750--(24.3%)
Boston, MA--140,305--(23.8%)
Newark, NJ--142,083--(51.9%)
Nashville, TN--145,483--(26.7%)
Oakland, CA--140,139--(35.1%)
Cincinnati, OH--141,534--(42.7%)
Kansas City, MO--136,921--(31.0%)
Jackson, MS--129,609--(70.3%)
Baton Rouge, LA--113,478--(49.8%)
Richmond, VA--112,455--(56.9%)
Buffalo, NY--107,066--(36.6%)
Fort Worth, TX--106,988--(20.0%)
Norfolk, VA--102,268--(43.6%)
Shreveport, LA--101,218--(50.6%)

Please post data for other cities that you know have more than 100,000 Africans. There is probably plenty of them in Western Europe and Brazil.>

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