Ok, this is by no mean to determine the impressiveness of the city skylines, nor does it show the world's best skylines, because they have something based on viusal impact and personal preferences!
So I found out about Ultrapolis Project which they based on city skyline's top 10 tallests with no means to set the abosolute cut off for the most highrises,but to show the supertalls in the world that are distributing within certain cities like Chicago, HK, KL, NYC, Shanghai....ects! Their stats for adding the top 10 tallests for each city skyline are based on emporis.com. How about top 20 to 50 well, Yurist has came up a formula for every cities top 50 to measure the highest skyline of every cities in the world, but the results are based on 50 tallest in each cities so it also accounted the highrises as well as mid-low rises(cities like Sao Paulo, Rio, SA, Taipei, Beijin...ect), So more top buildings are account for, the least of clear tallness resulted from the calculation because some cities simpily averaging low in overall heights. So IMHO, to clearly see the world's tallest skyline, the higher the top tallest buildings the better, so something like top 10 to top 30 can possibily show the skyline that really has huge bump in its skyline height.
Feel free to post pix of tallest skylines in the world in distant view with their top 10 to 20 skyscrapers clearly appear above the rest of skyline or overshadow or top out over the rest of buildings in the skyline! You know the skylines in the world that scream out "extremely tall" from distant!
For example:
Chicago-world's tallest supertall skyline(Clearly shows its top 10 to 20 tallest skyscrapers above the rest of highrises, because what we are looking for is "tallest supertalls" skylines in the world as oppose to "most highrises" skylines!)

Here is its methodology for the world's tallest skylines:
Currently world's tallest skyline in the world based on top 10 tallest in the skyline:

#27:Taipei(Just to show that currently having 1 world's tallest building in the world doesn't show the overall impressiveness of its top 10 skyscrapers or even top 50)
I included a poll to see what you think about world's tallest skylines based on their top 10 - top 20 tallests, multiple choices!

Update on 2005 ranking:
In determining the rankings of the world's 25 tallest cities as of December 31, 2005, we continued to find that almost all of the construction of supertall skyscrapers is in Asia (for images of the top ten, click top left button - for full list of top 25, click lower left button). Of the ten tallest cities of 2004, three - Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Toronto - introduced in 2005 new buildings into their ten tallest, slightly raising their scores for 2005. However, in the major skyscraper development of the year, and probably the decade, one city that was not in the top ten as of the end of 2004, added an astonishing five new buildings to their top ten. These were of enough verticality to catapult the city from 14th place in 2004, just behind Atlanta, to 6th place for 2005, just above Houston. Consequently, Houston, Shenzhen, Toronto, Singapore, and Los Angeles all moved down one place in the rankings, leaving Los Angeles out of the top ten (at one time the 4th tallest city in the world).
The city is Dubai, of the United Arab Emirates; and with a population smaller than that of Dallas, it is undergoing a construction boom the likes of which has not been seen possibly since the building boom eight decades ago in New York City (see related article). If the current trend continues, and the all the buildings currently under construction do materialize as planned, by the end of the decade the city of Dubai will become the tallest, and most fantastic city the world has ever seen. By then, even New Yorkers will be drawn to modesty should they happen to set their eyes upon the new gleaming city at the edge of the Arabian desert.
But, there is a question as to the feasibility of this development. After all, one wonders how a city of a 1,200,000 will support, and fill, an array of skyscrapers normally found in rich cities seven times as big. In any case, as the related article notes, Dubai is set on completing the world's tallest building even before New York's much delayed Freedom Tower has a chance to claim the title. This is the same Dubai of Dubai World Ports that soon, barring an act of the U.S. Congress, will be running America's major ports, including the ports of New York and New Orleans; the same Dubai that in a span of a few years has become a major world banking and financial center, tourist destination, and the main air transportation hub in the Middle East.
Other top height-gainers of 2005 were the Chinese cities of Wuhan, moving from 25th to 19th place, and Chongqing, advancing from 28th to 20th, reflecting the continuing dramatic growth of the economic might of China.>
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