Welcome to SustainLaneÂ's 2006 US City RankingsÂa nationwide study that measures the 50 largest cities in America on essential quality-of-life and economic factors that affect your personal sustainability.
Who is the City Rankings study for?
ItÂ's for everybody. No matter where you live or what you do, we think youÂ'll find something valuable in this study.
What have we learned?
WeÂ've learned that there are inspiring citizen groups, city governments, and mayors around the country promoting innovative solutions that are improving peopleÂ's lives.
Why rank cities?
Few things matter to our overall well-being as insistently as the place where we live. Whether we realize it or not, weÂ're affected daily by our cityÂ's economy, water quality, and traffic congestion. Understanding how these factors impact our lives can play a key role in our personal health, financial success, and overall happiness.
Similarly, despite the move toward globalized markets, local economies depend on local citizens. Our daily actions, such as where we shop and how we get to work, have lasting repercussions. These choices affect our citiesÂ' wealth, the air we breathe, and the quality of community we experience every day.
What makes a city sustainable?
Hallmarks of sustainable cities include a commitment to public health, an emphasis on creating a strong local economy, and citizens and city officials working together to make positive, thoughtful choices for the long-term benefit of the city and its residents.
Where did the info come from?
SustainLane talked with officials at 37 of the cities in the study and brought together more than 1,700 data points. Our goal has been to gather informationÂmuch of it paid for by our tax dollarsÂand make it accessible, so that youÂ'll have the information you need to make sustainable choices and get involved in making your city an even better place to live. Read our methodology to learn more.
How vital is your city?
Use SustainLaneÂ's study to find out! As cities grow, they inevitably face challenges brought about by swelling population, economic transformation, and environmental pressures. The top cities in this study have taken all these factors into consideration as theyÂ've planned for the futureÂand their citizens will reap the benefits.
What can you do?
By knowing where your city excels and where it could stand improvement, you get a clearer picture of your cityÂ's healthÂand a sense of what actions you can take to improve it.
And talk to usÂtell us what weÂ've missed, what we can do better, and what you love about your city in our city forums. WeÂ're here to make it easier to live a healthy, sustainable life.>
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