I have long maintained that there five particular U.S cities that, totally annihilated by natural or human-induced tragedy, would send the greatest of all shock waves throughout this country and the world that would forever change us all forever.
If not for the peripheral impact (oil devastation in the Gulf in the case of Katrina, for instance) that a loss would cause; but also for the uniqueness and "irreplaceability" of these five singularly unique cities which matter greatly to large contengencies from all walks of life all across the world. All cities are important, but only a select few are revered, relevant, and as beloved as these.
Unfortunately, we are on the precipace of learning New Orleans' nationwide as well as worldwide importance should it be completely destroyed. It might not be a financial and economic hub on the order of the other four, but it more than makes up for that in spades as an unparalleled historical, cultural, entertainment mecca WITH VIBE today as well as yesterday. There is a spirit down there that affects not only the Deep South which it resides, but also the entire globe.
Lazzeiez le bon temps rouler! Dear God please save the 'Nolia. Let us all pray for the souls of those Orleanians whose forebears erected such a grande dame. Yeah you right.

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