Monday, April 23, 2007

World-class U.S. cities OTHER than NY, LA

Maybe, second world-class lol. But aside from the very expensive NY, LA and all the usual ones, are there any U.S. cities that come somewhat close to offering everything that these cities do but at a lower price and more liveable environment? (things like culture, status, nightlife, excellent shopping/dining etc.) Obviously none are going to match the top cities, but there has to be a few "next best".

I haven't been around too much but I'd have to go with Houston, Dallas or Las Vegas.
I've heard of Dallas referred to as a "Mini L.A." it's known for it's restaurants and shopping and has the "big-spender" image. Nightlife seems to be a little lacking but hey I don't live there so who knows.
Houston is the 4th largest city (assuming this is still correct) so it's got that going for it, both of these cities have some massive and very impressive skylines too... if anything they at least LOOK the part. They also offer a very very low cost of living.

Las Vegas is a little different but there's no denying that EVERYONE knows Vegas, turn on the travel channel.. when are they NOT airing something on Vegas? I think this is as close as it gets to the "feel" of one of the major glamour cities. Vegas gets a lot of important events and a lot of coverage, like NY there always seems to be something going on around town. Cost of living is also reasonable, I hear property prices are going up now but at least they still have no income tax. Aside from the glamour I don't know what other things the city offers or how liveable it is though.

What are yours?>

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