Thursday, April 12, 2007

Americans: what effect do foreign skylines have on you?

This may seem like a strange question, but...

Americans (fellow American), what effect do it have on you when you view the skylines of cities outside our nation, many in places like Africa, Asia, Latin America in cities we either don't know or know little about?

I don't know about you, but when I go and view them, I am in awe.

We are a huge, successful, and geographically issolated nation (we only border two other nations and our Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts are massive).

We sometimes see the world as being the US.

When I see some of these global skylines, often in cities I've never heard of, I'm blown away by it...and I end up feeling darned provencial.

For all our discussion of which US cities are the best, the greatest, etc., there is a whole big, wide world out there with similiar things happening and sometimes I think we just don't get that world in focus.

Is that true of other nations, as well as the US? No doubt. But I think the sense of issolation in our country exceeds the others; we are a world unto ourselves.

Do others have such feelings when they view the type of pictures I've described?>

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